This time of the year feels good because after total moral decay and gluttony (well, in my case that is), it feels as if you can start afresh with a shiny new diary, crisp new wall calendar and a sheet dotted with bullet points about how to become a better person. The New Year resolutions list that is - and this year I've broken mine down into the major life-changing ones (not telling until they happen) and the other resolves. Some of my 2012 aims are:
*Get our home furnished by end of February - ok, so it feels wonderful being in our new home but, after years of renting, it's the first time we've had to find our own furniture...*gulp*. We're planning to hire a lorry and hit the markets for unique one-off pieces.
*I want to fit back into my wedding dress...seriously, I've been tempted to see if it still fits three years on and I have a horrible feeling it won't - so I'm going to hit the gym, starting with a 1-2-1 tomorrow. Oh yeah!
*Get a photo shoot with my man - three years of being married (and ten of being engaged) and I have a pathetic amount of photos together. It's the curse of being a photographer and preferring to hide behind the lens. Here's planning to add to my own memory box!